Iowa Nebraska IASIU

2024 Scholarship Winner, Nadjia Logans
The IA/NE IASIU Board voted/approved to provide two additional scholarships this year. We had two people, who were great supporters of our chapter, pass away this past year. One of whom was Mark Wolfe. Mark worked as a police officer for the city of Lincoln from 1973 through 2002. After taking early retirement he continued in law enforcement working for the State of Nebraska Insurance Fraud Prevention unit. The other person was Lonn Abeltins. Lonn was the was the President and Senior Fire Investigator of Independent Forensic Investigations Corporation until the day he passed. We are honored to memorialize Mark and Lonn through these scholarships. On behalf of the IA/NE IASIU Board, we are proud to announce that Kelli Danielson and Alex Foltz were our 2024 winners of these $500 scholarships

2024 Lonn Albetins Memorial Scholarship Winner Winners, Alex Foltz
2024 Mark Wolfe Memorial Scholarship Winner, Kelli Danielson (not pictured)
The IA-NE Chapter of IASIU offers the John R. Winkler Memorial Scholarship on an annual basis in the amount of one $1000 scholarships.
The scholarship can be re-applied for on an annual basis.
1.Enrollment in an accredited two or four year institution or senior standing in high school.
2.Financial need will be a consideration; however, not the sole consideration.
3.Applicants who are recipients of a partial scholarship from another source will be given priority consideration over recipients of a full scholarship.
4.Criminal Justice, Criminology or Insurance related majors will be given priority consideration.
1.The applicant must complete the Scholarship Application and mail it to the address below by the stated deadline. The applicant should attach a transcript of his or her current grades and a brief letter of recommendation from a non-family member. The Scholarship Application can be downloaded above.
2.The Scholarship Application must be post marked on or before June 1 of the year the scholarship is being awarded (ex. June 1, 2023 for the 2022/2023 school year).
1.The President of the IA-NE Chapter IASIU will chair the selection committee, with other members appointed by the President.
2.Selection will be based on the Scholarship Application and additional information submitted by the applicant.
3.Upon selection and proof of enrollment a check will be made payable to the institution or recipient of the scholarship.
Mail applications to:
Iowa-Nebraska IASIU
Attn: Scholarship Committee
PO Box 304
Boys Town, NE 68010
Questions? Email the Scholarship Committee at: