Iowa Nebraska IASIU
Membership (new, renewal)
You can pay your dues by using the National payment method of paying for your National Dues and local chapter dues
You can pay your dues ONLINE
Regular Membership = $30.00
1. Insurance company employees primarily engaged in investigation and/or supervision of investigations of insurance fraud.
2. Any employee of a self-insured corporation who is employed and assigned to a special investigation unit primarily engaged full-time in the investigation and/or supervision of investigation of insurance fraud. The individual and organization must be actively engaged in anti-fraud activities and must be in conformance with the goals and objectives of the IA-NE IASIU.
3. Any special agent or supervising special agent of the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).
Associate Membership = $20.00
1. Any local, state, or federal law enforcement officer or prosecutor who is involved in, or provides special expertise or services for the investigation and/or prosecution of insurance fraud crime.
2. Any representatives of an insurance company to include but not be limited to adjusters/examiners or claim handlers or self-insured corporation who is involved in anti-fraud activities and provides special expertise or services for the investigation of insurance fraud crime and after the membership committee has determined their qualifications.
3. “Associate” membership has no voting privileges and an “Associate” member cannot hold office.
Supporting Partner = $30.00
1. Any attorney or employee of an attorney who provides special expertise or services (legal advice) to insurers, prosecutors or governmental agencies for the investigation of insurance fraud.